How many times have you been to a website (,, etc...) and asked for registration, and to your frustration would ask you for a email id for verification or password confirmation.
I am sure every one of us would have faced this, at least once.
Don’t worry, there are couple of ways to elude:
1. Bugmenot
2. Mailinator
The first one is fighting for its existence, as it is being thrown of the web quite often, but has come out with huge support from web surfing community for its survival. Based on public contribution provides username / password for most news site. Quite useful if you want to access for just reading a couple of articles.
The second one is useful too. Incase you did not find a successful username / password for the site, then make your own by registering using the email id provided by this site, which remains valid to get the confirmation mail and password information.
I am sure this two would remain and more will come up to aid the browsing community to get the required information with less web harassment. :-)
Quite an useful link
Quite an useful post
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